
cholestral is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in your blood and every cell of your body.

You need some cholesterol to keep your cells and organs healthy. Your liver makes all the

cholesterol your body needs. But you can also get cholesterol from the foods you eat,

especially meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy products. Foods that are high in dietary fat can also

make your liver produce more cholesterol.

There are two main types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol,

and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol. A cholesterol test is a blood test

that measures the amount of each type of cholesterol and certain fats in your blood.Too much

LDL cholesterol in your blood may put you at risk for heart disease and other serious

conditions. High LDL levels can cause the build-up of plaque, a fatty substance that narrows

the arteries and blocks blood from flowing normally. When blood flow to the heart is

blocked, it can cause a heart attack. When blood flow to the brain is blocked, it can lead to

stroke and peripheral artery disease.

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